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Joel H., current Gavilan student, asked about the hiring of the county sheriff and asked for clarification in the area of shared governance in terms of implementation. A. Rosette informed Joel H. that those concerns can be raised under the proper agenda item. Reports: (10) Standing Reports: ASGC D. DiDenti reported that ASGC is currently in a recruitment drive for new members and applications are due April 27, 2016 with online election from May 11 - May 18, 2016. There are six ASGC members and advisor going to the SSCCC Spring 2016 General Assembly from April 29 - May 1, 2016. There will also be a Cinco de Mayo event on May 5, 2016 in the Student Center during college hour. College President Not present Vice President of Instruction Not present. Vice President of Student Services Not present. Senators (please include any input regarding ongoing AS discussions) No report. Senate President A. Rosette reported that he went to the Area B meeting on April 1, 2016 at College of Marin and informed the senate that there will be a lot of resolutions around curriculum. He will also be attending the senate plenary at the Sacramento Convention Center on April 21, 2016. A. Rosette also met with K. Rose and discussed the Grants proposal and the language of the by-laws. Reached out to IEC and the report from Erin is that things are moving along. Academic Senate Standing Committees None. Information: Distance Education Update (Sabrina Lawrence) (10): Approval of the Substantive Change Report S. Lawrence presented a report on the Substantive Change approval. As courses are approved the program it is under is affected. Once a program reaches over 50% of delivery method online then it needs to be approved by ACCJC. A list of the 41 degrees and 38 certificates can be found on the intranet. This is important because the campus was out of compliance and as Distance Education programs are offered, it is nice to give these opportunities to students. iLearn future and Canvas The DE Committee approved moving to Canvas. Currently, two-thirds of the CCCs are in the stage of adopting Canvas. The presentation will be posted online for more information. The timeline is full migration by fall 2017. The look will be different but the concept is the same since it is web-based and there will be a learning curve with plenty of training being offered. A. Rosette asked the senators to take this back to their departments for input. AB 798 College Textbook Affordability Act (David Dedenti/Arturo Rosette) (5) An overview of AB 798 and the potential for applying for a grant A. Rosette presented the information. D. DiDenti reported that the ASCG did pass a resolution and realized that there is a lot of work involved. The instructors need to do the work but it would be beneficial for the students. A. Rosette announced that the application needs to be submitted by June 30, 2016 which would require 3 to 5 faculty members to commit to the work that is involved. The Academic Senate needs to create and pass a resolution then the campus can apply. The Natural Sciences department will be discussing this at the next department meeting. It was asked if there were samples compiled to see how other Math Departments are implementing this package. BP/AP Chapter 3 Review (Fred Harris) (5) The senate will receive an overview of the proposed changes to board policy and administrative procedures F. Harris reported that these are standard changes. A. Rosette asked the senators to focus on the changes from pages 25-30 and it will be placed as an action item on the next agenda. Action: Modification to BP/AP 3280 (5) Senate will consider approval of modifications to BP/AP 3280 discussed at previous senate meetings. A motion was made to consider this item. MSC (L. Tenney/G. Cribb). Vote: unanimous, E. Venable felt the tone of the conversation felt as if grants were a bad thing and why that was the case. A. Rosette replied that the original was outdated and this is to help streamline the process through shared governance. B. Lawn clarified that there was a sense of unhappiness in the process since most of the faculty on campus was unaware of what was occurring. This would provide a place for faculty to speak. S. Lawrence pointed out that the idea presented at a previous meeting was that the grant itself would not be under the program review but instead would be part of the program being reviewed since a grant is not a program. An evaluation of the grant itself cannot be done as a program under IEC. D. Achterman replied that the reporting requirements are thorough and giving a summary report to the senate would suffice. Also, the recommendations around institutionalization need to start in the first year of the report and not 75% of the way through and have an ongoing conversation. A. Rosette replied that these questions were brought to K. Rose and discussed thoroughly. The federal and state grants parallel the reporting done through IEC. A motion was made to table the item until May 3, 2016 and make further modifications and bring back as an action item. MSC (E. Venable/S. Lawrence). Vote: Yes- S. Lawrence, J. Maringer-Cantu, E. Venable, J. Rekedal, D. Achterman, A. Arid, S. Dharia; No-B. Arteaga, G. Cribb, L. Tenney, J. Hooper. The motion passes. Modifications to Curriculum Committee bylaws (5) Senate will consider approval of modifications to Curriculum Committee bylaws as discussed at previous senate meetings. A motion was made to consider the item. MSC (J. Maringer-Cantu/B. Arteaga). Vote: unanimous. E. Venable is concerned that there are items added that do not fall under the 10+1 purview of the Academic Senate and instead are contractual items. A. Rosette answered that many of these items are already in the bylaws. E. Venable pointed out that since the bylaws are being modified these changes should also be made. It was asked if these items can be added to both the bylaws and contract. A. Rosette responded that this is the next step. A. Arid pointed out that the items brought to senate are then taken to Presidents Council where decisions are made. There is no problem with the Academic Senate looking at these issues since they dont fall outside the 10+1 purview of senate. L. Tenney pointed out that what prevails in the absence of language in the contract would be past practice. A motion was made to approve the Curriculum Committee bylaws. MSC (B. Arteaga/G. Cribb). Vote: Yes- G. Cribb, S. Lawrence, B. Arteaga, L. Tenney, J. Maringer-Cantu, J. Rekedal, D. Achterman, A. Arid, S. Dharia, J. Hooper No-E. Venable. The modifications are adopted. Modification to Faculty Staff Development Committee bylaws (5) Senate will consider approval of modifications to Faculty Staff Development bylaws as discussed at previous senate meetings. A motion was made to consider this item. MSC (B. Arteaga/G. Cribb). Vote: unanimous. A. Rosette pointed out that one change would be wherever Faculty Staff Development was mentioned would be changed to Faculty Professional Learning. Since this is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate, the senate has the authority to make changes to the bylaws. D. Achterman reported that there needed to be more latitude in the appointments of officers. L. Tenney commented that this was discussed and one of the objectives was to make sure the committees and Academic Senates bylaws aligned and not looking necessarily at the individual committees. There would be a preference to have a standard practice across the board. J. Maringer asked if there would be an exception if no one else runs for the chair, which does come up. A. Rosette replied that the senate does have the power to appoint a chair. E. Venable asked the Professional Development, Student Learning Outcome and Mentorship Liaison should be on the same rotation as the elections. A. Rosette responded that that would be a contract issue since the Vice President of Instruction does the appointing of those liaisons. D. Achterman pointed out that there is a way to remain so there would be continuity as the new chair learns the roles. B. Lawn agrees with the comments. The senate assisting in the liaison positions is important. A. Rosette has spoken with K. Rose about the changes being made and she is very supportive of the changes. A motion was made to approve the modifications. MSC (D. Achterman/G. Cribb). Yes: G. Cribb, S. Lawrence, B. Arteaga, L. Tenney, J. Maringer-Cantu, J. Rekedal, D. Achterman, A. Arid, S. Dharia, and J. Hooper. No: E. Venable The motion is approved. Discussion: Business Services Reorganization and Sheriff Deputy Hire Proposals (35) The senate will be updated by the senate president, CSEA representative and the senates Health/Safety/Facilities committee representatives on the latest information regarding these proposals. A. Rosette opened up the discussion to the senators first. He gave an update on the proposals. Discussion had occurred about the proposals and reassurance was given that the two proposals were different items. At Presidents Council it was brought together and not as separate proposals. When the vote was taken, A. Rosette abstained. Last week the proposals were on the Board Agenda as informational items. English Department: The department felt that there is no guarantee that the sheriff would provide a safe campus. Students are curious where they can be heard and are wondering how the students were contacted and informed. One student had asked a faculty member that if he was running to class with headphones on and doesnt hear the sheriff to stop he could be shot. This is a situation that brings student concerns. Library Department: The department feels there needs to be a broad foundation planted. A. Rosette informed that this is an action item at the May 10, 2016 Board meeting. A. Rosette opened up the discussion for public comments. D. Apuzzo, CSEA president, gave background on this item. The Business Reorganization didnt bring much concern since they were two different issues. There were issues with security since there was no replacement for S. Botto who retired. The Administration was not rushing to fill the position. Later, it was found out that contracted security workers were brought on campus to fill the void. It was told that through the Budget Committee the full-time security and Parking Monitor positions were going to be filled. This was never discussed among the membership since it was being placed on hold. A list of duties was provided to the sheriffs department but not provided to CSEA. Currently, the CSEA Labor Representative is asking the district to negotiate this item. The district seems to be laying ground work on what will affect the students, staff and faculty. At Presidents Council, the CSEA position is to table the sheriff proposal. Student Joel H. voiced concern over shared governance. This directly affects the students. The campus needs to follow their mission statement and not leave the students out of the conversation and follow policies being published. A. Rosette wanted the Senate to focus on the position being held and the process being followed. Whether it will be supported or not approved is the choice. These two items are interrelated. If the Business Reorganization is approved then it may be necessary to approve the Sheriff proposal. D. DiDenti voiced a concern of what is happening across the nation. One argument being voiced is the response time and the individual will not engage without backup. There seems to be no benefit of having one sheriff on campus. Instead, funds should be placed towards mental wellness. If there is an increase of security issues, the students are not being informed. A. Rosette responded that there are benefits and negative consequences. One thing that needs to be focused on is the areas of deficiencies. It is not a one-to-one item but a deficiency of other resources that could be implemented. L. Tenney commented that there is research of what difference it makes to have armed security on campus which shows not much difference. At the Student Services meeting, the differences between a security officer and a sheriff were presented. Her question was what decision making process was involved. A. Rosette brought these questions and concerns to the board and asked for a Task Force to be created to discuss the security issues. This could be something the senate can take an official position on in terms of creating a Task Force. There appears to be a lack of analysis or shared information. J. Rekedal wanted to see if the security personal were involved in the discussion and would there be a need for additional security when the sheriff is present. A. Machedo informed the senate that there are many students on campus at 630 am, when there would be no sheriff on campus. There are also veterans on campus suffering from PTSD and seeing an armed office could create problems. The sheriff would react to crimes and not deal with those who are in emotional distress. Another area that will decrease is parking citations. Sixty percent of the security budget was through the parking citations. B. Lawn pointed out that the components of this needs to be clarified so the senate can respond accordingly. A. Rosette responded that a resolution needs to be done at this meeting for approval at the May 3, 2016 senate meeting before the May 10, 2016 Board meeting. The senate needs to take a position on this item. A motion was made to extend the meeting by fifteen minutes. MSC (J. Rekedal/G. Cribb). Vote: unanimous. Motion is approved. G. Cribb commented that the sensitivity of approaching a situation takes tact. The concern is if the sheriff is on campus then the humanistic approach will be bypassed. The needs of the students has to be discussed. This is similar to what has happened last year with the Learning Commons and the absence of staff input. There needs to be a resolution created that involves and protects the students. A. Rosette asked how the senate would like to proceed. A. Rosette distributed a resolution outline. The senate will consider drafting a resolution regarding its position on these issues. A motion was made for A. Rosette to draft a resolution to be sent out by April 21, 2016 to the senators for input. MSC (G. Cribb/A. Arid.) Vote: unanimous. The motion is approved. Closing Items: Open Forum: (time permitting) Items for next agenda by 2:00 p.m. on April 26th, 2016 Next meeting: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. Adjournment by consensus at 4:35 pm. MSC (G. Cribb/J. Rekedal).     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